Seven Rila Lakes

If you are visiting Bulgaria, already there, or planning to go to visit, the Seven Rila Lakes is a great place to see because of its beautiful natural environment.  First, I would like to tell a little bit of this place.  The Seven Rila Lakes are situated in Rila Mountains, and are a group of seven glacial lakes, which are one of the most visited group of lakes in Bulgaria.  The elevation of the lakes is between 2,100 and 2,500 meters above sea level.  All seven lakes carry different name, which is based on the characteristics of each lake.  The lakes are connected by streams, and are located one above the other.

My last visit in Bulgaria was in 2014, and that was the time that I went to see the Seven Rila Lakes for the first time.  Would you believe that?  I had lived in Bulgaria and in particularly near this wonderful place for twenty two years and I never went even once to see it.  So, the day I was on my way to the lakes, I woke up, prepared some sandwiches, grabbed some water, and by 6 o’clock in the morning I arrived.  I parked the car, and then I headed to the ski lift, which I was hoping to take to cut some time and energy of the beginning of my excursion.  However, the ski lift was not open to tourists that early in the morning.  So I did not have a choice, but to start walking.  Just to explain – there is a clear path, so one could begin to walk without getting lost.  It was late summer, and the weather was pleasant.  It took me five hours to get to the last lake on the top, including stops to enjoy each lake and eat.  As I mention earlier, each lake has its name accordingly to its characteristics.  The highest lake is called “The Tear” because of its clear water, which allows visibility in depth; however, when I saw it, I could not see much of its depth because it was still covered with ice.  The lake which impressed me the most is called “The Kidney,” and it has the steepest shores of the whole group.  Below, I am sharing some of the photos I took during my excursion to the Seven Rila Lakes.

The Twin, The Eye, and The Trefoil Lakes


The Kidney



The Tear


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